BPB supports the Association of Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs of Prizren
The Association of Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs of Prizren held a gala dinner in Hotel OK on 14th December 2016 to celebrate 70 years of its establishment. Among many guests, present were Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ramiz Kelmendi, Minister of Finance Mr. Avdullah Hoti and BPB’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Arton Celina, as well as many other personalities from the business community of Kosovo.
During the event, the speakers praised the work that this Association has done to promote business in Prizren and beyond. Mr. Celina emphasized the role that the association plays on keeping Prizren as the capital of the artisanal activity in Kosovo.
To help celebrate their 70th birthday, BPB has designed a tailor made banking package for the craftsmen and entrepreneurs of Prizren.