BPB applies security protocol Verified by VISA (VbV)
Since security of online transactions is a priority for the bank, BPB applies the highest security measures for online card transactions, a service offered in cooperation with VISA.
Verified by VISA (VbV) is a security protocol that prevents unauthorized use of your card during online transactions. Through this service, you are protected from any unauthorized purchases from your credit / debit card on websites that offer the same security protocol.
All you have to do to confirm your identity while making online purchases is to select the transaction mode through the Verified By Visa (VbV) platform and type the code that comes to your phone number (stated in the bank ), a code that is unique to any online purchase.
Also, you can make sure of the authenticity of the online shop by checking whether the logo “Verified by VISA (VbV)” is on their official website.